Role as Relationship

Role as Relationship

Geography Learning a role is a bit like beginning a relationship. First comes the general geography: name, family, hometown, education. The parallel is the musical geography: how many scenes am I in? Have I highlighted all my lines? Have I marked in the next page...
Lines in the Sand

Lines in the Sand

Having just prepared a large chunk of Ilia from Mozart’s Idomeno with the lovely Kensington Chamber Orchestra, I have been pondering the different demands of singing in Italian and English. Though everyone is always telling me that Italian is easier to sing in,...
And So, Dear Reader

And So, Dear Reader

I begin, or rather continue, a relationship begun many years ago. Jane, who is not beautiful but is intensely herself, passionate and self-aware. Deprivation has taught her self-containment but she, as all of us, longs for connection. She finds it in the ‘dark,...